Sharon Waxkirsh, Hypnotherapist
Sharon Waxkirsh, experienced hypnotherapist, specialises in assisting people in removing limit beliefs, resolving issues and disposing of counterproductive patterns.
Sharon gains a unique encouraging people in discovering their own full potential in coping with every day problems to dealing with life changing issues.
Her work encompasses relieving anxieties and transforming fears around medical treatments and medical diagnosis as well as working with friends or family member coming to terms with their issues around your health.
For one to one sessions, issues ranging from hospital anxiety and the ability to cope with all kinds of treatments to pre and post operative surgery and on going healing are dealt with. All age groups are catered for, including very young girls coping with intimate matters perhaps for the first time. Needle phobias, hypnoanalgesia (for those unable to use chemical anaesthetic), PMT are among the many areas that Hypnotherapy can be great help.
Sharon works for her clinic in St Johns Wood for first time sessions and also assists in helping maintain calm and comfort throughout procedures at the hospital or consulting rooms with your Consultant if you require.
Sharon Waxkirsh has been the supervisor for the hypnotherapy unit in Gastrointestinal disorders at St.Marks hospital, features on the Birthwise DVD and has appeared on a variety of radio show including Vannessa Feltz BBC London Radio.
She works alongside many consultants including paediatrics and dental professional, and GP’s in a variety of hospitals and medical centers in London.
Sharon was also a co-director of the Institute for Hypnotherapy for Medical and Dental Practice, an organisation delivering training and information to medical professionals.
She holds workshop for Hypnosis for Childbirth, Self Hypnosis and unique Student Success program for all key stages of children and teenagers wishing gain confidence in exam and interview performance, motivation and removing any school or college anxieties.
Sharon completed her Master Hypnotherapy Certification, and is a HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator. She is fully insured and registered with the General Hypnotheraphy Register and the ICNM.